Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Ok...it's been a few days since receiving the bad news about the extended wait time and I think we are okay. From day 1 we've been told by our agency that there will be fluctuations and to always be ready for change. Guess we just weren't ready to hear that.
I did a little research on foster parenting through the State of Tx...thought maybe we could do that during our wait time. No, not what we are supposed to do...didn't get that tugging at my heart from the Holy Spirit that we need to go in that direction. Domestic? Nope, still nothing. 'Be patient' is all I am hearing right now. It is very hard to do...and some of my family does not understand why we are staying with Taiwan...'there are children here in the US that need homes'. Although that is very true it is not what is planned for our life. How do you get other people to understand that?...
Thanks everyone for all your thoughts and prayers...it's a long road ahead of us and hopefully it won't get any longer than what it is now.

Shane and Misty

1 comment:

Jeri said...

Hi, just linked to your blog from another blog. We're outside of Austin about 30 minutes. We have a dd from China, 2 ds from Taiwan, and an 11yo son. Nice to see someone else local. You can email us at the5@texaspiglets.com.